Şcoala Gimnazială Merei is a public school located in the countryside of Merei village in Buzău county. It has 3 lower secondary schools, 5 primary schools and 6 kindergartens spread over the six small villages that form Merei. Our school is attended by 612 pupils aged 3 to 14 years old. Almost half of the school population comes from broken families, with parents working abroad or not at all, trying to put food on their tables. Many lack basic school stuff and abandon classes before graduation. There is also an increase in the number of children with special educational needs. All these children are guided by 42 paid teachers, some with years of experience behind them, some young and willing to try non-formal educational tools to provide youngsters with basic skills, to help them graduate and become citizens of the village. From such a desire, a group of teachers started a project named “Eternity was born in a village...” (first locally, now nationally ) designed to teach children, especially those disadvantaged, traditional crafts and folklore as a way of keeping history alive and putting a foundation for future entrepreneurships.
Şcoala Gimnazială Merei strives to offer all children equal chances to develop into reliable responsible adults endowed with basic skills, able to face life’s provocations. Its teachers realised that formal education can benefit tremendously from non-formal activities so a number of people from school stuff started a club where they taught pupils aged 9 to 14 different traditional crafts such as beading, knitting, weaving, sewing. The club participated at different fairs and contests and was also invited abroad to showcase its end products. The children themselves participated in numerous workshops for foreign tourists visiting our county teaching them crafts learnt in the club. 6 members of this club expressed their desire to participate in this project. Anton Maria is our school principal and managed 2 partnerships with Belgian scouts. Mocanu Elena is an English teacher, also the contact person for this project. Gramer Elena teaches Religion in our school and is also the founder of the crafts club. Ignătescu Alina teaches Romanian and manages the school paper. Lazăr Aurelia teaches 2nd grade pupils and is also the manager of the school choir. Ionescu Daniela teaches French and manages 2 local contests( one about tradition and the other anti-violence). All six are members of the crafts club and master a craft. They all took part or organised fair booths.
We consider that we can share with our partners our expertise in showcasing end results of our work and we would like to learn more of how to advertise them online.

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