C.E.I.P. Puente Zuazo is an infant and primary school, composed of twelve primary classes and six pre-school classes, teaching students from three to twelve years old. We have a total of 440 students and 29 teachers. We are a multi-lingual school, teaching in English, French and Spanish, we offer therapeutic pedagogy as well as hearing and language classrooms. The main building has three floors which includes a gym, English and French language laboratories, a music classroom, an arts and crafts classroom, a library and a canteen. Outside, we have several sports courts and a school orchard. Our school also has an additional building containing the pre-school classrooms, which include a psychomotor classroom and four normal classrooms.
To describe our organisation we must first take into account the location of the school, because it is the only way to understand both our current situation and our aspirations. The school is surrounded by apartment blocks, inhabited by lower-middle class families with a low socio-cultural level, who have been greatly affected by the economic crisis our country is suffering. There are numerous families without any member working, and those who are employed have little job security. This affects our students and, of course, our work at the school. That's why our school is open to the neighbourhood, and why all teachers work together as one. This situation is fostered by the great support of the Parents' Association in our school.
The school principal, the coordinator and the majority of the teachers have experience in organising projects, and have been very active in this respect since 2007. Our school started its European journey with a Comenius Project called “J1C…Just 1 lick: Global Citizenship!” (07-ESP01-CO06-00661-1) which is all about classic tales and how can they be used in the teaching process. In 2013, we joined another Comenius Project called “Water, every drop counts” (2013-1-RO1-COM06-29668), developing collaborative relationships with different European teaching associations. Our staff have been involved in various projects and have both the experience and the motivation to continue working on new ones. We have also developed eTwinning projects. Although we have a very heterogeneous staff, we all agree that we want the school to be moving forward year after year, and therefore any new initiative is always welcomed by all teachers in the school. 
We are an ICT and multilingual school (Spanish, English and French) and we need to inspire in our students and teachers the importance of speaking different languages. This is an excellent opportunity for them to use these languages,feel that they are active citizens in the European community, develop non formal skills (entrepreneur spirit) and foster inclusion .

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